Music industry since
0Combined technical experience (yrs)
0Countries operating in
0Ranger timeline
Ranger has been appointed by ZPAV, the local IFPI affiliate in Poland
Ranger has been appointed by ZPAV to produce official music charts that will include audio and video streaming for the first time in the country.
Ranger re-appointed to capture UK independent music sales
Ranger have been re-appointed by Kantar, the UK chart compiler for the Official Charts Company, to capture real time sales data from more than 100 independent retail record stores in the U.K.
Ranger is the official streaming chart provider for Lithuania, Latvia & Estonia
Ranger is the official streaming chart provider for Iceland
Ultimate incorporates album streams
The first automated system to calculate and include streaming albums. Since that time Ultimate has rolled out in 8 countries, making it part of the world’s top 3 distributed record chart systems
Ultimate incorporates streaming
Ultimate became the first automated chart system to include streaming
Ranger appointed as the official chart provider for Norway
Ranger becomes the official chart provider for Finland
IFPI Finland, the National group of IFPI in the country, have selected Ranger’s ‘Ultimate’ chart system to provide the top 40 charts in the country.
Ranger starts charts compilation
In response to a requirement for independent retailer contribution to the Finnish National record charts, Ranger were invited to propose a solution that would capture sales events from physical retailers.
Oscar POS system
The UK chart organisation invited Ranger to develop an EPOS system dedicated to this very specialised market. The result was ‘Oscar’, a unique system ideally adapted to the industry’s vast repertoire and need for fast, seamless processing
Collection of music sales data
Ranger team developed a new technical strategy and soon had more than 2000 barcode scanning terminals operating in music retail stores across the U.K
Co-founded by entrepreneurs David Hampson and David Viewing, Ranger’s initial mission was to expand the use of portable computers in commercial, scientific and military applications.